Media Release

WebRezPro Hotel Testimonial

Charlestowne Hotels Picks WebRezPro Property Management System

Calgary, AB – September 30, 2013 – WebRezPro Cloud Property Management System is proud to have recently been selected as the complete PMS solution for two eminent luxury inns under management of Charlestowne Hotels. Implemented at the 52-room HarbourView Inn and 50-room French Quarter Inn in Charleston, SC last month, WebRezPro PMS provides both properties with a flexible yet simple cloud-based solution for efficiently managing daily operations at the high standard set by each of these luxury accommodations.

WebRezPro worked with Charlestowne Hotels to tailor the PMS to the unique requirements of each property, both of which feature first-class amenities and services, from a variety of packages to executive meeting facilities. “I have had the opportunity to work with many property management systems, but it has been a pleasure working with WebRezPro. The system is very user friendly, and the developers are eager and willing to adjust the PMS to adapt to each property,” said Jared Hassard, Corporate Revenue Manager at Charlestowne Hotels.

WebRezPro interfaces with other hotel systems at the Charleston properties, including credit card gateways and GDS providers, further streamlining day-to-day operations at both hotels and allowing staff more time to focus on their high level of guest service.

“We’re proud to partner with Charlestowne Hotels,” commented Frank Verhagen, President of World Web Technologies Inc., the company behind WebRezPro PMS. “Charlestowne Hotels is known for its high industry standards and innovative expertise in hotel management, including operational systems; we are very pleased that Charlestowne Hotels selected WebRezPro PMS for two of their exceptional properties.”

About Charlestowne Hotels:
Founded in 1980, Charlestowne Hotels is a full-service hospitality management company providing innovative yet proven expertise in hotel development, operational controls, marketing and revenue management, and financial reporting. Based in Charleston, SC, Charlestowne Hotels has grown to become one of the largest hotel management companies in the Southeast, with a diverse portfolio of properties that includes AAA Four-Diamond hotels, boutique luxury inns, beachfront condos, and convention resorts throughout the US.

About WebRezPro PMS:
WebRezPro™ is a powerful and cost-effective cloud-based property management system designed to meet the front- and back-office needs of single independent hotels and hotel groups and chains. WebRezPro offers all the features of a traditional PMS such as integrated accounting, GDS connectivity and multiple interfaces, as well as advantages unique to cloud-based systems, including remote accessibility, integrated Web and mobile reservations and automatic data back-up. WebRezPro is a product of World Web Technologies Inc., a pioneering Internet marketing and software company for the tourism and hospitality industries since 1994.

For more information, contact:

Janie Agar, Director of Sales & Marketing
World Web Technologies Inc.
Ph: 1.800.221.3429
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WebRezPro Media Release

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