Hotel Analytics
Track hotel data in real time
WebRezPro automatically tracks and synchronizes data across operations in real time, simplifying and speeding up the reporting process, improving accuracy, and giving you a clear picture of your business. Hotel reports can be exported to Microsoft Excel and printed or emailed directly from the system.
- Standard & Custom Reports
Performance Statistics

The Property Stats Report provides an overview of how your business is doing, displaying statistics for the current (or other selected) date, month to date, and year to date. Occupancy rates, ADR, number of rentable rooms, RevPAR, total room revenue, etc. are tracked over the year and presented alongside the previous year’s numbers for comparison.
Payments Owing
The Payments Owing report is useful for keeping track of any unpaid or out-of-balance reservations. This report conveniently lists all reservations with an outstanding balance, whether it be a deposit or final payment due, or a customer credit.
Tax Report
WebRezPro automatically tracks tax collected and features a flexible tax reporting function that makes it easy to keep track of tax breakdowns and what is owed to the city, state and/or country.
Sales Report
The product and services sales report is useful for properties that charge for additional services and items, such as snacks and beverages, spa services, activities and parking fees. The sales report provides a breakdown and totals of all or specific product/service sales for a given time period, allowing you to analyse ancillary revenue separate from room revenue.
Custom Reservation Report
WebRezPro includes a separate Custom Reservation Report that allows properties to sort and filter reservation data by advanced search parameters, allowing for more personalized reports for booking analysis purposes. Custom report templates can be saved so that parameters don’t have to be set each time. Custom reports can also be set to automatically run (and send via email) every day.
Monthly Report

WebRezPro’s monthly booking report provides insights on reservation trends. The report collates revenue for all stays in a given month—by room type, by day, by market code, by corporate account, and more. A pace report is also included, showing the rate at which room nights were sold over the course of the month. And for properties that use WebRezPro’s online booking engine, the Monthly Report will also show booking engine statistics.
Daily Reconciliation Report
The Daily Reconciliation Report is run at the end of the day to reconcile cash and credit accounts as part of the night audit. The report displays all transactions and check-outs for the day.
Travel Agent Billing
Properties that pay commissions to travel agencies can run a travel agency billing report (usually on a monthly basis) that automatically calculates how much is owed to each agency.

The Custom Report is AMAZING