Media Release

WebRezPro Hotel Testimonial

WebRezPro Exhibiting at 2023 BC Hotel Association Summit

Learn how WebRezPro cloud property management system helps independent hoteliers future proof operations at BC’s accommodation event of the year.

Calgary, AB – April 17, 2023 – WebRezPro property management system for independent hotels, motels, and inns will be demonstrating how the all-in-one cloud hotel management software drives operational efficiency and guest satisfaction during the BC Hotel Association Summit at Delta Hotels by Marriott Hotel Grand Okanagan Resort in Kelowna, May 1-2, 2023.

Presented by the British Columbia Hotel Association, the BCHA Summit is returning this year after a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19. The event brings 250+ BC accommodation providers together with allied business members to learn about trends, tools, and opportunities that will help hoteliers adapt and thrive in an evolving industry. Attendees of this two-day summit will enjoy a curated marketplace featuring 40 vendors, inspirational keynotes and breakout sessions, networking opportunities, and the much anticipated return of the BC Hotel Awards.

WebRezPro was launched in 2003 as one of the industry’s first true cloud property management systems and continues to provide lodging operators with a future-proof product that evolves with clients’ needs. WebRezPro will be represented at the event by Senior Account Executive, Crystal Rasmussen, who will be available to answer questions about the software and demonstrate how WebRezPro saves hoteliers time and improves hotel revenue through automation.

“We’re thrilled to be exhibiting at this event,” said Rasmussen. “It’s a great opportunity to catch up with clients face to face and meet newcomers to this exciting industry. I’m looking forward to sharing the latest version of our software with potential clients, including contactless check-in, housekeeping checklists, lots of new integrations, and a sneak peek at our new online booking engine going into beta release.”  

From inventory and reservation management to housekeeping and reporting, WebRezPro’s all-in-one property management system automates operations to improve efficiency, revenue, and guest service. The flexible software can be adapted to unique operational needs making it a popular choice for independent accommodation providers.

For more information about the BC Hotel Association Summit, visit

About WebRezPro
WebRezPro is a powerful, easy-to-use cloud property management system for all accommodation types and sizes. The fully integrated and automated system simplifies daily operations to save time, improve the guest experience, and maximize revenue. Bringing the benefits of cloud software to 2000+ properties in 45 countries, WebRezPro provides industry-best data protection, including PCI compliance, EMV certification, two-factor authentication, secure SSL encryption, and more. WebRezPro is a product of World Web Technologies Inc., an internet marketing and software company for tourism and hospitality since 1994. For more information, visit

Mike Berezowski, Director of Marketing and Communications
World Web Technologies Inc.
Ph: 1.800.221.3429


WebRezPro Media Release

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