Rate Management

Sell rooms the way you want

WebRezPro PMS offers total hotel rate management flexibility. Take advantage of package rates, negotiated rates, derived rates, yield management and more!

Hotel Revenue Manager

Easiest PMS System Ever

Hotel Testimonial Reporting

“I have been using webrezpro property management system since 2015 for my hotels. It is one of the most efficient, user friendly and flawless PMS system that I have come across in my carrier of hotel industry.

The revenue management and changing rates with WebRezPro is very easy and fast. The rates can be changed as many times without any limitations. The interfaces between for the OTAs works flawlessly. Housekeeping reports and accounting reports are very easy to create and they are very simple.

You can set up this system very simple that fits the small property or you can use many features within system and set it up for big property.”

— Motel in Key West

Standard Rates

Unlimited number of rate changes with day-of-week pricing capability. For maximum flexibility, easily override pricing, minimum  length of stay (LOS) and close to arrival/departure on a day-by-day basis.

Yield Management

WebRezPro’s yield management module helps you maximize revenue by allowing you to set up rules for your system that will automatically adjust rates in response to changes in availability.

Password-Protected Rates

Password-Protected Rates

Password-protected rates can only be booked using an assigned access code and are useful for selling coupons and restricted rates and discounts.

Negotiated Rates

Covering a variety of circumstances, negotiated rates offer even more pricing flexibility when negotiating special rates for clients.

Package Rates

Romance Package

Package room reservations with products and services to add value for your guests. Popular examples include flowers, spa services, activities, transportation and more.​

Corporate Rates

Set up rates for corporate customers that can be designated to specific corporate accounts.

Derived Rates

Derived rates use pricing and restrictions from a base rate, allowing you to easily create discounts and add-ons based on existing rates. Derived rates can be created as a percent discount or a fixed price adjustment (above or below) of a base rate.

Quick Overrides

Stay ahead of the game with quick and easy override tools that make changing pricing and availability a breeze.