Media Release

WebRezPro Hotel Testimonial

WebRezPro Exhibiting at the New England Innkeeping Show 2013

Calgary, AB – October 2, 2013 – WebRezPro Cloud Property Management System by World Web Technologies Inc. (WWT) will be exhibiting at the 2013 New England Innkeeping Conference & Trade Show in Mount Snow, Vermont, November 12th to 14th. Attending the show for the first time, WebRezPro will be demonstrating the flexibility, ease of use and mobile advantages of its cloud-based property management solution for inns and bed and breakfasts.

Launched in 2003, WebRezPro PMS was designed to cater to the unique property management needs of a variety of accommodations. The system’s flexibility will be highlighted at the trade show during demonstrations of its features. WebRezPro will also highlight the advantages of its cloud technology, including anywhere access, integrated Web reservations, automatic data backup, and mobile features. “We are particularly excited to demonstrate recent mobile developments like electronic signature capture for paperless check-in and mobile housekeeping reports, which enhance the inherent mobility of the system and help innkeepers provide an even higher level of guest service,” commented Jennifer Lawrence, Account Executive at WWT, who will be attending the trade show next month.

Due to its proven customizability, user friendliness, and high standard of customer support, WebRezPro is a leading choice among small properties and boutique accommodations that require PMS functionality beyond the typical hotel criteria. Approximately half of the 400+ properties currently using WebRezPro are inns, bed and breakfasts, and other small, unique lodgings. “We have a solid base of inn and B&B clients in Vermont, so we’re looking forward to connecting face-to-face with many of our valued clients at the show, and forging relationships with prospective customers,” said Jean Brockman, Partner at WWT, also attending the show.

About the New England Innkeeping Conference & Trade Show:
The premier event for New England innkeepers, the New England Innkeeping Conference & Trade Show is a two-day conference bringing together industry experts in a program of seminars, workshops and networking opportunities aimed specifically at the New England innkeeper. Held every 18 months, the New England Innkeeping Conference & Trade Show is hosted by the Professional Association of Innkeepers International.

About WebRezPro PMS:
WebRezPro™ is a powerful and cost-effective cloud-based property management system designed to meet the front- and back-office needs of single independent hotels and hotel groups and chains. WebRezPro offers all the features of a traditional PMS such as integrated accounting, GDS connectivity and multiple interfaces, as well as advantages unique to cloud-based systems, including remote accessibility, integrated Web and mobile reservations and automatic data back-up. WebRezPro is a product of World Web Technologies Inc., a pioneering Internet marketing and software company for the tourism and hospitality industries since 1994.

For more information, contact:

Janie Agar, Director of Sales & Marketing
World Web Technologies Inc.
Ph: 1.800.221.3429
Send Email

WebRezPro Media Release

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