Media Release

WebRezPro Hotel Testimonial

WebRezPro Improves Hotel Channel Management with Enhanced SiteMinder Interface

Through an upgraded interface with SiteMinder’s Channel Manager, WebRezPro property management system further automates management of third-party online bookings for greater efficiency

Calgary, AB – June 25, 2015 – WebRezPro™ cloud property management system (PMS) by World Web Technologies Inc. is now certified on pmsXchange Version 2.0 — the latest PMS interface update by the global hotel industry’s leading cloud platform, SiteMinder. The upgrade enables SiteMinder to share more reservation information with the PMS than before, allowing mutual hotelier customers to enjoy greater efficiency in managing third-party online bookings through enhanced process automation.

With the new version of the interface, WebRezPro can now retrieve additional data, including reservation modifications and cancellations, automatically from SiteMinder’s Channel Manager, eliminating the need for lodging operators to manage third-party reservation changes manually, and resulting in a more efficient and accurate process.

“SiteMinder’s Channel Manager is specifically designed for the hotelier, to replace the risky and costly task of managing reservations manually with complete real-time automation. With a fully integrated PMS solution come the benefits of lower costs of acquisition and greater control, and our partners such as WebRezPro know they can depend on SiteMinder to deliver this powerful solution to their hotel customers at a low, flat monthly cost,” said Fig Cakar, Managing Director – the Americas for SiteMinder.

WebRezPro has been integrated with SiteMinder’s Channel Manager through SiteMinder’s pmsXchange since 2012, saving hoteliers time and effort in managing their online distribution.

“We share a common mission with SiteMinder to help properties maximize both revenue and process efficiency, and the new version of SiteMinder’s PMS interface supports WebRezPro’s continued effort to do that,” commented Frank Verhagen, President of World Web Technologies.

WebRezPro can now retrieve additional data, including reservation modifications and cancellations, automatically from SiteMinder’s Channel Manager.

SiteMinder is today’s leader in providing complete two-way integrations for leading PMSs, integrating with a combined total of more than 100 the world over via its market-leading online distribution platform, The Channel Manager. The platform provides direct connections to more than 250 of the world’s top booking channels, to help hotels to attract, reach and convert global guests.

The update to the SiteMinder interface follows WebRezPro’s recently added functionality to tag reservations coming through the SiteMinder interface with the originating booking site, using dedicated market and source codes set up in WebRezPro. This functionality increases visibility of booking sources to better inform future distribution decisions.

About SiteMinder
As the leading cloud platform for hotels, SiteMinder allows hotels to attract, reach and convert guests across the globe. We serve hotels of all sizes with award-winning solutions for independents and groups alike, wherever they are in the world. SiteMinder’s products include The Channel Manager, the industry’s leading online distribution platform; TheBookingButton, a wholly-branded booking engine for direct bookings via the web, mobile or social; and GDS by SiteMinder, a single-point of entry to a six-figure network of travel agents and the world’s major GDSs. With more than 19,000 hotel customers and 350 of the industry’s top connectivity providers as our partners, today we have presence in more than 160 countries on six continents. For more information, visit

About WebRezPro
WebRezPro™ is a powerful and cost-effective cloud property management system designed to meet all front- and back-office needs of independent hotels, hotel groups and chains, vacation rental management, and inns. WebRezPro offers all the features of a traditional PMS, such as integrated accounting, GDS connectivity and multiple interfaces, as well as advantages unique to cloud-based systems, including anywhere access, integrated Web and mobile reservations and automatic data backup. Serving hundreds of clients in 30 countries, WebRezPro is a product of World Web Technologies Inc., a pioneering Internet marketing and software company for the tourism and hospitality industries since 1994. For more information, visit


Janie Agar, Director of Sales & Marketing
World Web Technologies Inc.
Ph: 1.800.221.3429
Email: Send an email


WebRezPro Media Release

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