Media Release

WebRezPro Hotel Testimonial


Calgary, AB – April 26, 2012 – WebRezPro™ (WRP) Cloud-based property management system by World Web Technologies Inc. (WWT) has just released a case study about how the PMS has impacted operations at the 61-room Montecito Inn, a landmark Santa Barbara hotel.
WebRezPro worked with Jim Copus, Operations Manager at the Montecito Inn, to compile the case study, which looks at WRP’s implementation process, usability and results at the property. “The Montecito Inn represents a busy mid-sized WebRezPro client, with both standardized and customized needs. The hotel utilizes several interfaces and is a good example of how WebRezPro’s full functionality and flexibility work for such a property,” commented Frank
Verhagen, President of WWT.
“The Montecito Inn case study not only demonstrates WebRezPro’s easy implementation, user- friendliness, power, flexibility and cost-effectiveness, but the advantages of a Cloud-based property management system as well,” said Verhagen.
Access the case study via the link below or by visiting one of WebRezPro’s social media pages: FacebookGoogle+and Twitter.
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About the Montecito Inn:
Situated on the Californian coast, the 61-room Montecito Inn is a landmark Santa Barbara property. The busy boutique hotel was built by Charlie Chaplin and friends in 1928 and exudes luxury and classic Mediterranean elegance. The full-service inn features upscale dining, a heated outdoor pool, fitness room, spa services and event space.
About WebRezPro:
WebRezPro is a powerful and cost-effective Cloud-based property management system designed to meet the needs of single independent hotels as well as hotel groups and chains. WebRezPro offers all the features of a traditional PMS such as integrated accounting, GDS connectivity and multiple interfaces, as well as advantages unique to Cloud-based systems, including remote accessibility, integrated Web and mobile reservations and automatic data back-up. WebRezPro is a product of World Web Technologies Inc., a pioneering Internet marketing and software company for the tourism and hospitality industries since 1994.
For more information, contact:
Janie Agar, Director of Sales & Marketing
World Web Technologies Inc.
Tel: 1.800.221.3429
Email: Send Email

WebRezPro Media Release

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