Why Your Hotel Needs a Mobile PMS Now

Mobile PMS Now

Many hotels have already implemented a mobile property management system (PMS) at the heart of operations for the sake of convenience, organization, and cohesion. Those with mobile PMS leaned on it more than ever before in the face of the pandemic with features that allowed them to manage their hotel at an arm’s length to meet and exceed COVID-19 safety guidelines and to put guests, and staff, at ease. 

As we turn the corner toward post-pandemic travel, hotels are reliant on the functionality provided by mobile PMS to see them through lean times while poising for exponential growth as travel returns to normal. If you’ve been thinking about getting a mobile PMS for your hotel, now is the time to make the switch. Your future self will thank you. 


Before the pandemic, preventing contagious viruses wasn’t a benefit hoteliers were looking for in a property management system. Yet properties already using a mobile PMS were able to not only meet but exceed COVID-19 prevention protocols. As the world opens up again, the way we approach safety has changed for good, as guests will expect the same level of cleanliness and reduced contact.

Contactless Check-in

Contactless check-in apps integrate with PMS reservation data to automate check-in communications and streamline the self-check-in process. WebRezPro PMS offers a digital registration feature that allows guests to check-in online before they arrive. With mobile key integration, the entire check-in experience becomes completely contactless, allowing guests to access their rooms with their smartphones — bypassing the front desk altogether! 


PMS like WebRezPro utilize mobile housekeeping reports and checklists to ensure cleaning protocols are itemized and adhered to. Housekeeping staff can ensure a high standard of cleanliness in their work by checking off each task as it’s completed so nothing is ever missed. 

On-the-Go Efficiency

As you build out and refine your hotel’s operation systems, efficiency is always a top priority. This is especially true for many hotels right now who had to lay off staff during the pandemic and are now making do with tight budgets. Investing in a mobile PMS will maximize your efficiencies and streamline your operations from one command center—that can be accessed from anywhere at any time.

Guest & Reservation Data

The PMS centralizes all your guest and reservation data. It’s essentially your front desk and back office rolled into one system that can be accessed from anywhere. Having this information at your fingertips (and in your pocket) allows you and your staff to be even more responsive to guest needs and requests without having to dash back to the front desk to look up a reservation. 

Rate Management

Manage rates in real time, whether you’re on or offsite. While you can’t be at the office 24-7, you’ll have access to respond to market conditions and consumer demand instantly with an easily accessible and intuitive interface.


Your business operations are only as good as the reporting on which you base your decisions. Ditch the spreadsheet and manual calculations. A robust mobile PMS gives you performance and operational reports at your fingertips… in real-time! And from anywhere!… Making marketing, operational, and pricing decisions faster as a result.

Housekeeping Reports

Mobile housekeeping reports will help one of the hardest working departments at your hotel stay on top of what needs to be done, when it needs to be done. Mobile housekeeping reports allow housekeeping staff to check off tasks as they’re completed and see what rooms are ready for cleaning right from a mobile device. And with real-time room status updates, front desk staff can see what rooms are ready for guests, too.

Guest-centric Service Excellence

Since the pandemic, guests are more tech-savvy than ever before, with even the majority of the Boomer generation comfortable with using mobile devices and technologies. 

Now, there’s an evolution toward making digital experiences more human. The pandemic has certainly shown us how we can use technology to forge human connections. It seems like everything is digital these days. The digital evolution also means we can connect with customers in more ways than ever before: email, SMS, social media, digital ads, chatbots, etc. But unless our communication is relevant, it won’t provide value to guests. When no two guests are the same, how can we make our messaging relevant to each person? That’s where personalization tech steps in.

Did you know that 91% of consumers say they are more likely to shop with brands that provide offers and relevant recommendations to them? Furthermore, 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when a brand provides personalized experiences. 

A mobile PMS helps to deliver personalized experiences using guest and reservation data, and app integrations.


Digital registration can be completed by guests online prior to arrival, followed up with arrival instructions via email or text. On the backend, you’ll see all this information attached to their reservation. On the front end, the guest enjoys a seamless check-in experience and avoids standing in line at the front desk.

Online Booking Engine

The rise of OTAs made online bookings a necessity for hotels to thrive. And now, the evolution of e-commerce tech has made PMS with integrated online booking engines an essential tool to remain competitive. Direct bookings account for about 49% of hotel reservations in the United States. If you don’t have an online booking engine on your hotel website, you’re missing out and likely sending traffic away to OTAs (and then paying a commission). From the guest’s perspective, if they’ve come all the way to find your website, make sure they can book direct online with you too.

Automated Email Integrations

WebRezPro can automate routine emails directly from within the system. Send guests reservation confirmations, pre-arrival emails, post-stay communications and more based on reservation data triggers. Pre-made templates make it even more of a cinch. CRM integrations make personalizing marketing communications easy too. 

Mobile Messaging

A PMS that integrates with mobile messaging platforms allows you to automate routine text messages using reservation data. While the messages are automated, the information is relevant, specific, and timely. As Kerri Coughlin, the Guest Service Director at Locale, says, “By having the guest profile pulled next to their text message thread, our Guest Experience team does not need to spend time searching for reservation information about the guest while speaking to them. This has allowed for faster response time and increased satisfaction!”


Chatbots can be integrated with your PMS to help inquiring guests with date availability and answer other questions about your property 24-7.

Enhance the Guest Journey…And Their Stay

As a hotelier, a mobile PMS will make your life easier, streamlining operations at your fingertips and forming a foundation for guest service excellence as a result. It reminds us of the instructions flight attendants provide at the beginning of the journey: apply your own oxygen mask first before assisting others. A mobile PMS is your hotel’s oxygen mask that can see you through the recovery stage of the pandemic and beyond with streamlined and cohesive operations so you can best serve your guests…from anywhere and at any time.