Changing your property management system is a big decision —one that many lodging operators postpone due to lack of time, funds, and the thought of a complicated transition. But, cloud technology is making the implementation of hotel systems faster, more affordable and easier, and is inspiring hoteliers to take the leap to replace their outdated systems.
From implementation to daily operation, cloud PMS offer advantages over legacy systems that include simplicity, adaptability, mobile access and seamless integration with your other hotel solutions, yet switching such a core system still takes careful consideration and planning.
You might only be window shopping as you browse ours and other vendors’ websites, or are simply curious about what else is out there — even so, you are taking an important step; it’s just good business sense to review how well your existing systems are working for your property and compare them to current technology.
If you do find your existing PMS falls short in important areas, making the firm decision to upgrade to a new system is the second hurdle. From there, you begin your search for the system that best suits your property’s present and future plans and is within your budget. But therein lies further questions: what specific features should you look for in a new PMS? Hospitality technology is rapidly progressing and you don’t want to be stuck with another clunker five years down the track. Even after you have found a system that ticks all the boxes, you still have to manage the cut-over.
While many of our customers are surprised at how relatively fast and simple implementation of a cloud PMS can be, we understand why many hoteliers are hesitant; there’s a lot riding on the decision to change a core system. Unfortunately, failing to replace an inadequate PMS is detrimental to productivity, service and profitability — and that’s why we wrote this white paper. Changing Your Property Management System is intended to serve as a helpful guide through every step of the process, from shopping around to making the switch.
The white paper covers:
>> How to know it’s time to replace your existing PMS
>> What features to look for in a new PMS
>> How to manage the switch
>> A step-by-step cut-over checklist.
For lodging operators considering or actively seeking to replace an existing PMS, this resource is designed to inspire a plan of action that leads to success.